Saturday, July 18, 2009

Starlee's caught the bug.....

Starlee caught the "CRAFTING" bug!!
Ok.. so she always had it in her!
I mean she IS 1/2 my daughter & the other half is Kevy's who is a very "manly man" crafty kinda guy!
She just has not had be treated for it, like the rest of know with heavy doses of Pompomicillin, or rhinestonefever syrup!
And she has vowed to stay away from any needles, which means she won't sew!
I can honestly say Starlee is not a "craftaholic"....
unlike the rest of us.....she can stop at any time!
But her "funky" bone has never been broken......thank heavens!
ANY WAY...... she made this ADORABLE head band with her own to little hands..
soooo cute huh?
She makes this 'crafty" mom so proud...(tear).....I just might hang it on my fridge!

1 comment:

Levi said...

go starlee! so cute!